When looking for a way to cool off during the summer, cucumbers can offer much relief. They are extremely high in water and are usually served cold.

If the skin of the cucumber is not waxed, leave it on as it contains a good amount of fiber and potassium. Many Americans today find it difficult to consume enough dietary fiber; including cucumbers into the diet can not only offer needed fiber, but can add to daily fluid requirements as well. The flesh of cucumber contains vitamin C, and cafffeic acid which discourage water retention, and so are good for applying directly to the skin to reducing swelling.

Cucumbers can be simply sliced and tossed into a salad, or made into a Tzatziki dip. If hosting a party, slicing cucumber and adding it to a glass pitcher of ice water not only adds a nice touch to the decor, it also gives guests a nice twist on a cool refreshing beverage!