• 1-2 kohlrabi (peeled and sliced thin)
  • 1-2 potatoes (peeled and sliced thin)
  • 1 T butter
  • ½ cup grated cheese (your choice)
  • 1-2 cups of Heavy cream
Here are a few ideas for the elusive kohlrabi–

  • Shred it into a slaw with cabbage and apples, I use a dressing of equal parts apple cider vinegar and sugar (simmered and cooled) to toss this mixture.  Finish with a bit a cracked black pepper.
  • Kohlrabi can be eaten raw, sliced into chips or thin half moons, tossed with a bit of lime juice, a teaspoon of honey and  a pinch of cayenne pepper.  Very refreshing.  We also make this dish with cucumbers and serve it as a side for lunch.
  • Baked, boiled, steamed or raw, kohlrabi pairs well with the flavors of parsley, lemon, nutmeg, lime, orange, cream and of course butter.
  • Like potatoes I like to use a mandolin to get clean accurate cuts when cutting kohlrabi.

Speaking of potatoes and kohlrabi, here is my new potato and kohlrabi gratin recipe.

Kohlrabi and Potato Gratin

Preheat oven to 350.  Choose a dish that is oven safe and is large enough for multiple layers of potato and kohlrabi.  For this small recipe, I use something smaller than a 9×9.  A nice oval shaped gratin dish works great.

Line baking dish with butter.  Start with a layer of thin sliced potatoes, remember to season each layer with salt and pepper.  The layers should be potato, cheese, kohlrabi, potato, cheese kohlrabi etc.  This continues until the dish is almost full.  The final touch is to pour heavy cream over the entire dish until it is full just to the top layer.  Cover with aluminium foil and bake for approx 30 min.  Remove foil and check dish with a fork.  The fork should pierce through the layers without to much resistance.  The gratin bakes the final 8-12 minutes with out a foil cover to produce that signature caramelized brown top layer. Top with lots of fresh cracked black pepper!

Ready to Bake

Ready to Serve