Zucchini is a close relative of the melon and cucumber. With a very high water content (around 95%), this summer squash offers antioxidants such as Vitamin C and Beta Carotene which help reduce inflammation; problems such as asthma and arthritis are good examples of ways inflammation can manifest itself.  Its phytonutrients are often overlooked, though they offer many benefits for cardiovascular and men’s health.

Patty Pans offer a creamy white flesh on the interior making it a perfect addition to several summer dishes. Rich in vitamin C, many B vitamins and potassium, the summer varieties do not store as long as their winter counterparts.

This group of vegetables is very versatile, and is one of few vegetables to be incorporated into cooking as well as baking. Whether sliced and made into Ratatouille, made into a chilled soup, or shredded into a dessert bread, summer squash is a wonderful staple to our kitchens and diets.